حجم واردات شركات الاستثمار الأجنبي 
Imports by FDI Enterprises
The reports calculates the value of imports by FDI enterprises for all companies in a range of years
In thousands of Local Currency
( nsc ) national combany* 4,999,867
Abd Alkader & Ahmad Badengeki 1,230
abdalkaderalosh    - trakuz 1,000
abla 111,813
adonis combany stria 48,973
adorian & joshkon 1,000
adwan.com 138,567
Ahmad haidr 30,300
AKAD 17,000
al ahlia oil combany 10,099,978
al ankabot combany 6,713
al badawy combany 115,000
al masaood oil 20,373
Alfursan school 2,000
Alnada for trading 252,270
alrakkia food 18,224
alrehab 10,000
Alsaady co for tading business L.T.D 1,445,662
Alshorok for crystal 1,600
Alwadi Alakdar 100,300
anka 2,000
Arab Drrip irrigation Techno co. 40,910
arab orient insurance co - syria 99,265
arabia inausamce combany 274,123
Awad Amoraa 732,000
Ayob Company 143,000
baalpak 61,117
Balbaki 7,000
barthamiya 13,600
Bel SYRIA 808,210
damascus refinery co 24,067
East company for oilve oil 17,761
F.S.T 7,500
Fardoos blast 2,750
feedmax syria 18,343
Gazi & Sadek Kadomy 525,979
gulfsands petroleum syria htd 402,949
hamami 3,000
happinis 35,553
Khalil Kojaa 100
kokalo and hafaiz 2,000
marwan shanko 7,000
mohamad  saleh abo hawla 1,700
National Aluminum extrusion decorative co. 283,101
national cofor rlosticcm 469,220
national plant company 111,136
near estoliveprodvcts 168,193
niap 11,843
odi ganam 30,000
oubaria - syria 15,000
rafat hamod 50,000
Safy cool company 150
Salim Wazaran Brinjkkji LTD 219,628
Sayda travel & tourism 200
sefko company syria & irani 374,797
Shehadeh for tading 213,960
sosi jineral bank 8,430
soyuzneftegas e&p 12 257,914
syria - sinoal kawkab oil  combany 30,770,322
syrian & jordan moket 170,000
syrian aaudi chemicals company -sysacco 24,103
syrian kuwaiti insuranceco 415,492
syrian saudi korean 123,394
Syrian-Iranian automotive  1,366,286
syriatel 3,736,239
tatneft exploration and production 1,413
Tecotel 26,397
the syrian  lebanon  for  foods products 715,000
united general trading 6,000
united insurance company 458,021
United Syrian for olive oil product 1,000
Viva combany 10,000
walid abd aljabar 70
walid al badawi 21,000
zhr alden ragb 600
Total 60,830,706
* القيمة في الحقل الأول للاستثمار الوطني